Thursday, February 28, 2008


The other day my mum was telling my maid to be on the look out cuz the cops wer catching a whole lotta people for visa problems. She told her that 15 expats had been caught today and she better keep low. So I wondered, who sponsors her visa anyway =\
So I asked my maid and she said "My sponsor go jail 10-20 time, he selling kudu, kudu know? GANJA GANJA!"
I was like roflmaoooooooooooooo MY MAID IS SPONSORED BY AN IRANI DRUG LORD!!!
And now he wont give her release cause everytime she goes to him he's stoned and drunk =p

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Midnight Blues

I find myself up at 2:00 AM again with the excuse that I'm supposed to be studying. The last few moments are always the restless ones. After waiting a whole year, these last 30 days are the worst. Not because its time to finally write this shitty exam that everyones bin taking about for a whole year but because freedom is so close yet so far. I've got another chapter to finish, I'm always off track cuz I spend half my day dreaming about after the exams. Hopefully when I'm done with this blog and one last lesson I can finally get some shut eye. I dont know how many other people must be awake at this hour but I dont have that summer tendancy to stay up till 7:00 AM doing whatever I want anymore, especially study. Although I feel a whole lot better about this exam than all the others that I've given so far and I'm not all that scared, quite confident actualy, theres still that inside fear that something could go wrong... But lets pray that wont happen and besta luck to all ya peeps, I gta go get some work done and hopefully a bit of sleep.

Upcomming Blog:

"Greya, The Pervert".

Jew Man Aggggggghhhh is BroOoOoOoOoOotal

Sorry Jumana but Greya put me up to this, I'll have a very nice blog on her pretty soon XD

Well, Jumana is a legend, she is ultimate broOoOoOoOotality, whether its her deadly "Halo" or "Poda" and not to mention "Shaat aap".
She takes common sense to a whole new level, downgraded that is. Whoever heard of a round about that goes staright?? =S
Apart from all that she's a very bold rebellion, likes go against authority quite often and start her human rights tana. A strong supporter of the Eco Geeko club (I wonder what would happen if she found out about that hole in the ozone I made =\)
She's pretty stubborn and a pest at times and her "Mera Bharat Mahan" does kinda piss you off at times BUT

Thats what we love about Goomana. She's one of the best friends you can ever have, someone whose always got your back. She's probably the most dedicated outa the whole lot and manages to do all the work while the rest of us laze around. She may make bogus plans like watching a movie at 12:00 PM on Fridays or singing the Nation anthem at 6:00 AM on the 15th of August, but hell, its a start (Except for the 6: AM thing) Shes the gluemana that holds us together and school would be sooooooooooooooooooo boring without

Jumana, the broOoOoOoOoOoOotal.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Tears and Rain

The circle of life through the mirror of a nursery rhyme,
My favouraite piece so far..

It's just me and the rain
Every drops got a story, every drops got a name
Blue eyes into the blue sky
My life pours upon me,
Distorted my image in the puddles of lies
Forget all the memories, just forget to remember
These moments will soon dry up, but they will last forever
Let these tears be lost, lost in the rain
Soak yourself with every moment of pain, for when
The sun will rise, All will dry
Gone is the rain, so is your pain
Only to come back another day..

I wrote it btw =p

Death to Emo's

It's really sad when people try to act depressed and miserable all the time for no apparent reason, Who pass shitty comments like "I like drowning myself in tears", talk about suicide and how they hate their life 24/7... well none of them have actualy got what it takes to put that gun to their heads and blow their ****** brains out!

Emo is a sad excuse for boys to act like girls!!

And the wemo's (wannabe emos), who think being emo is cool because of a few display pictures they saw, their even sadder than the real thing.

And the music!!! Its effin horrible!!! Take a look at this shit:
I'm thinking of
Your vague reply,
So I can understand
Why we put this at rest.
Why we forgot to
Say that we were leaving,
Say that we were sorry.
The past remains unspoken
As this vacant night is dying.

I'm still waiting
For you to say
You hate me now,
So I don't have to
Hold on to this
Burning heart.
This burning heart is
Getting old.

This song describes
So beautifully♥. (YEA MY ARSE IT DUS!)

How gay is that???

A message to all emo kids: Go kill yourself.

Board Exams

The most over rated exams known to man..
We've got less than a week before the first paper and that is definately not a roxx, social is not a roxx!!! 30 chapters chapters of complete bullshit!! My preps arn't comming along too well but hopefully I'll do better than always.. one chap a day but atleast I remember the answers this time lol. As soon as these exams are over I'm gonna be a free bird for a year and then the mayhem starts all over =\

Snega killed a cat *zomg*

Yes its sad but true. Noone knows how she did it.

Snega is definately not a roxx =\

Welcome to the roxx blog lol

Sup peeps, welcome to the Nacho is a roxx blog, I'm Nacho and I'm gonna give you a few details about me and my blog:

1.This blog is a roxx
2. Nacho is a roxx

Read my blog everyday or die (.)